Alternative way to make torrent works on university

If you’re reading this, I know how you feel to be frustrated to not be able torrenting. I’ve researched for almost a month now how to make torrent works behind multiple NAT environment. Port forwarding/wall punching solution usually requires user to have access to the router, and it’s not even an alternative for us students. So here what I did that makes me able to use torrent again, but be careful of your school’s policy, and I don’t guarantee that this will work for you. I’ve found this solution by myself since I didn’t find any solutions on the internet that work for me, so it might’ve slim chances that this will work for you too. My problem with the torrent was that I couldn’t get any seeders/peers on the torrent client, the trackers status will show that the connection timed out. This solution needs DHT and peer-exchange options to be enabled.

First step is to have a secondary internet connection that is not in the university’s networks. It may be your phone tethered to your PC (unlimited mobile internet subscription preferred), 3G modem, or even coffee shop’s WiFi. For the coffee shop’s WiFi it’s quite different and I’ll explain it at the end of the post.

Next step is to have your PC connected to mentioned secondary internet connection, and disconnect from the university’s network whether it’s wireless or ethernet cable. If you have any pending torrent failing to download and in queue, stop them before connecting to the secondary internet (Not really necessary, but it keeps everything simple). After the PC connected to the secondary internet connection, start to resume the torrent files you want to download, wait until you see there are seeders or peers and the torrent files are in downloading status.

After you see that the torrents are being downloaded, you just have to disconnect from the secondary connection and connect to your school’s network. If you’re lucky, you’ll see that after the torrent’s speed dropped because of the disconnection, the torrent files begin to download again. From my experience, you could download some torrents without repeating the steps because DHT will give you peers instead of the trackers. But if the DHT doesn’t give you any peers, then you have to do all the connecting and disconnecting steps again.


Please let me know if it works on you in the comment…cheers.